Planet Runes
The planets represent the aspects of your consciousness, each of which can be developed or invoked by circumstances, triggers, or through one's will. The conscious entities are 7 in number, keeping with the septarian nature of our manifest universe. The nodes of the moon may be thought of extensions of the lunar consciousness.
Carry runes to invoke the consciousness needed; use them for divination. guidance, or study; or place them in specific configurations to embody an astrological birth chart. The tough forces of Mars and Saturn may be needed during crises.
Sun ☉: The Supreme Light, the soul, freedom, boundlessness, future, perfection, infinity, that which banishes ignorance, the 'best purifier', the 'vivifier', power, the 'hero'. The higher self, masculine, the spirit. God. The physical body and health, heart, life force, courage, ambitions, pride, dignity, ego, vitality, willpower, stamina, sense of self, fame, sovereignty, glory, inspiration, creativity, leadership, Father, consistency, authority, law and order, political leader, Kings or Presidents. Heart, right eye, head. It’s element is gold. East is associated to the Sun.
A weak Sun makes it difficult for the native to hear the true calling of their soul--the inner voice is lost amongst environmental influences. Thus, an afflicted or weak Sun means the individual is more likely to be a product of their environment, making them highly susceptible to the demands and expectations of others. They may like individuality or personal power as they are swayed more easily by the social and practical values imposed on them by external forces.
Moon ☾: the mind, the emotions, feelings, nursing, nurturing, mothering. Changeable, solitary, gentility, the receptacle of life-giving nourishing fluids (the receiver of the nectar of immortality), nourishment. Reflective, feminine, night, security, past, past-lives, patterns of behavior, receptivity, caring for others, heredity, Mother, motherland, the public or masses, popularity, inner contentment, money, general well-being, home, water, habits, subconscious mind (peace of mind), growth in early childhood, fertility, breast, menstrual cycle, blood, eyes, lungs, liquids and nurses. Breast, stomach, phlegm, hormones, left eye. Direction north-east, element is silver.
An afflicted Moon depends on how its afflicted, but generally manifests as harshness of character, sadness, lack of peace of mind, or a hostile or aggressive nature. Unhealthy vital fluids (such as hormonal issues) or difficulty in getting one's needs met, both emotionally and physically, may result.
Mars ♂: Aggression, enforcement of law, emergencies, urgencies, suddenness, rashness, anger, the color Red. Energy, stamina. Brothers. Strength and focused energy. Courage, violence, determination, bluntness, boldness, injury, accidents, war, chemists, fire, surgery, initiative, motivation, technical or mechanical ability, sports, military figures, physical strength, operations, muscles, sexual vitality, weapons, machines, conflict, danger, selfish, criminal, goal oriented action, self-righteousness, land, property and real-estate, enemies, science, instruments, guns, knives. Strategy and logic. The battlefield. Its element is copper, its colour is red, and direction south. Blood, head, injuries, accidents, bleeding, headaches, high fevers, inflammation, surgery, burns.
A weak Mars makes one easily tired, jittery, easily angered and reactive. One may be prone to temper tantrums, as one is in the habit of misdirecting their strength, logic, and dominance-- at times overusing it, and at other times, underutilizing it. Accidents and injuries are more likely.
Mercury ☿: Youthfulness, immaturity, playfulness. The negotiator. Diplomacy, friendship, humor, speech, conversation. Spoken and written communication. Studying, thinking. Investigation, experimentation, adaptability, curiosity, organization, attention to detail. The rational mind, the 'lower' mind, cognitive intelligence. Human intelligence. The analytical powers of the mind. Makes one witty, skillful, clever, easygoing, and well-informed about mundane, practical, and social matters. Talkative, tactful, may be manipulative but not actively harmful. A good trader, editor, publisher, mathematician, debater, trickster. Trade, commerce, sales, education, school, telephones, television, computers, short distance travel, childhood, aunts and uncles (especially maternal uncles), neighbors, twins, nervous system. It represents memory, throat, lungs, arms and hands. Its element is bronze, the colour is green, and direction north.
If afflicted, indicates speech problems and a poor ability to discriminate. It may result in nervous tension or nervous system issues, twitchiness, memory problems. Managing one's time, daily tasks, tending to mundane, practical matters, and decisions that require attention to detail become difficult.
Jupiter ♃: The Great Teacher. Visionary pursuits. Inspiration, creativity, genius. Joy-giving wisdom. Goodness. Goodwill. The Sage, the priest, the philosopher, the spiritual guide. The husband, the provider, advisor, or guide who encourages greater self-expansion. One you can always have faith in. Wealth of wisdom. Greater understanding. Sudden realizations. Expansion, abundance, affluence, wealth, big money. Faith in life. Generosity, charity, good luck. Fortune, grace. Unexpected turn of fortunes. Divine advice. Divine guidance. Children, marriage, dharma. Following one's true nature. Morality, righteousness. Sense of purpose, meaning in life. Self-indulgence, excess. The greater truth, the bigger picture. Religion, philosophy, spirituality, law, the great benefic, higher education. Long-distance travel. Whimsical, inspired pursuits. Fruits. Optimism. Adventure, openness. The archetypal rags-to-riches story. The stroke of insight, joy, creativity, or wisdom that makes life worth living. Liver, hips, fat.
With a weak Jupiter, one is not as receptive to divine guidance. As such, one's capacity for joy, inspiration, creativity, sense of purpose and faith in life is limited, inconsistent, or built on shaky grounds. As a result, there is a limit to one's ability to live an inspired life, to express originality and goodwill (patience and charity). An afflicted Jupiter signifies an uninspired mind, an inability to be visionary---to receive, recognize, appreciate, and respond to divine inspiration, wisdom, or life-changing insight. One may not see the value of those things that would make them happiest, instead believing or providing bad, or self-limiting, advice.
Venus ♀: Grace, beauty, charm. Refinements, luxuries. Things of material or social value. Sensual fulfilment. Material comforts. The base level of comfort one experiences through life. Vacations, holidays, nurses, rest, relaxation. While Jupiter advises one to surrender to higher principles, Venus gives advice which works for us in the here and now--to all that one can experience with the senses, and evaluate socially. Art, music, theatre, flowers, jewelry, symmetry, earthly harmony. Enjoyment, taste, delicacies and dessert. Sexuality and romantic relationships. Aesthetic. Pleasantness. Good taste, elegance. The feminine spirit in earthly form, the wife, pleasure of the senses. Affection. Sugar (the refined, material version of Jupiter's fruits). Reproductive system, bladder, kidneys, and pancreas. Clear quartz.
An afflicted Venus may cause various forms of un-ease in the body. Healing of the body may take longer. Addictions, nutrient deficiencies, aches and pains may be more common. One may feel unsupported, unappreciated (or appreciated for the wrong things), or misunderstood by the people in their life.
Saturn ♄: Blocks, restrictions. 'No.' Minimalism. Endurance. Longevity. Discipline, order, structure, dependability, stability, separation, solitude, reclusion. The intelligence of knowing what not to engage with, indulge or invest in. Capacity to recognize which 'doors' are closed to one in life, and not waste time or effort on unproductive things. Indifference or detachment, appropriately applied. Dropping things. Letting go (internally). Recognition, acceptance, and even appreciation of limitations, delays, or deprivations. Detachment. Decay, death. Sewage (going to the bathroom). Psychological complexes, egocentric hang-ups, fears, neediness/emotional dependence--things that need to be processed and let go of. Psychological complexes that cause an inability to detach from what is unnecessary or unfavorable to one's greater growth. Knowing when to stop.
Navy blue and black. Seriousness, coldness. Insurmountable. Father time. Things turn dark when they are dead, when the colour of life has gone out. The sky is blue or black because the distance of the particles in space looks insurmountable, being so far away in space and time. Objects in the distance look greyed out--the dulling effects of Saturn.
If something is hazy or unclear, it is out of reach. Saturn oppresses, or shuts things down. Slows aging.
Learning to do without. Old age. The humble. Stoicism. Finality, permanence, the 'bottom line'. Bare bones. No-nonsense. Slow, highly focused, controlled, careful, cautious. High pressure over a long time--turning black coal to diamond, shining and strong, impenetrable and impervious, indifferent and unmoved. Only getting involved because it makes sense practically or objectively. Being sensible. Strong in principal, unbending, renouncing frivolity. Saturn is associated with both the aristocracy and the servant class (the laborers, the old, the downtrodden, the poor, the disabled, those who are overlooked or 'unwanted'), while the Sun is the king, the bourgeoisie, the middle class, the 'normal' people of society. Saturn speaks of steadfastness and tradition, and the Sun is of progress and ambition.
A problematic Saturn causes a great many evils, mostly rooted in psychological issues, dependence, or bad karma. The native does not readily recognize when and what to say no to. And does not know when to persist, and when (and what) to give up. A healthy Saturn is free of the bias of sentiments (Moon), desire for power or victory (Mars), and ego or self-identity (Sun).
North Node ☊: Suddenness. Electric shocks, instability, fluctuation. Upset. Unforgettable experiences (both good and bad). Innovation, genius, technology, thinking outside the box. The outcast. What we want, crave, obsess over. Fame, extremes, foreigners and foreign lands, fulfilment of worldly desires, status, prestige, power, worldly success, outer success with inner turmoil, obsessive, addictions, psychic, disturbances, collective trends, disturbances.
South Node ☋: Karmic ending, completion. Being free. Liberation. Subconscious mastery. The 'black hole' effect--the point at which things leave the manifest world, to rejoin the unmanifest. Liberation from bondage. Intuitive wisdom. Negation, loss, spiritual insight. The most spiritualizing influence.
Uranus ♅: Unapologetic authenticity. Self-expression, being true to oneself no matter what. Acting out of a deep instinct, without reference to social norms or practical concerns. Genius. Creativity. Becoming more who you are.
Neptune ♆: Transcending the manifest plane. Unconditional love. Preservation of the good. Sustaining the essence. Seeing the essence and disregarding all else. Glamour. Dissolving the sense of separation. The underlying One to all things. Surrender.
Pluto: Becoming free of ego attachments. Letting go of the sense of self, destruction of what was identified with as essential to the self/one's experience in life, to allow for something greater and truer to emerge. Breaking the ego. Transcending to a higher level by undergoing destruction.
Carry runes to invoke the consciousness needed; use them for divination. guidance, or study; or place them in specific configurations to embody an astrological birth chart. The tough forces of Mars and Saturn may be needed during crises.
Sun ☉: The Supreme Light, the soul, freedom, boundlessness, future, perfection, infinity, that which banishes ignorance, the 'best purifier', the 'vivifier', power, the 'hero'. The higher self, masculine, the spirit. God. The physical body and health, heart, life force, courage, ambitions, pride, dignity, ego, vitality, willpower, stamina, sense of self, fame, sovereignty, glory, inspiration, creativity, leadership, Father, consistency, authority, law and order, political leader, Kings or Presidents. Heart, right eye, head. It’s element is gold. East is associated to the Sun.
A weak Sun makes it difficult for the native to hear the true calling of their soul--the inner voice is lost amongst environmental influences. Thus, an afflicted or weak Sun means the individual is more likely to be a product of their environment, making them highly susceptible to the demands and expectations of others. They may like individuality or personal power as they are swayed more easily by the social and practical values imposed on them by external forces.
Moon ☾: the mind, the emotions, feelings, nursing, nurturing, mothering. Changeable, solitary, gentility, the receptacle of life-giving nourishing fluids (the receiver of the nectar of immortality), nourishment. Reflective, feminine, night, security, past, past-lives, patterns of behavior, receptivity, caring for others, heredity, Mother, motherland, the public or masses, popularity, inner contentment, money, general well-being, home, water, habits, subconscious mind (peace of mind), growth in early childhood, fertility, breast, menstrual cycle, blood, eyes, lungs, liquids and nurses. Breast, stomach, phlegm, hormones, left eye. Direction north-east, element is silver.
An afflicted Moon depends on how its afflicted, but generally manifests as harshness of character, sadness, lack of peace of mind, or a hostile or aggressive nature. Unhealthy vital fluids (such as hormonal issues) or difficulty in getting one's needs met, both emotionally and physically, may result.
Mars ♂: Aggression, enforcement of law, emergencies, urgencies, suddenness, rashness, anger, the color Red. Energy, stamina. Brothers. Strength and focused energy. Courage, violence, determination, bluntness, boldness, injury, accidents, war, chemists, fire, surgery, initiative, motivation, technical or mechanical ability, sports, military figures, physical strength, operations, muscles, sexual vitality, weapons, machines, conflict, danger, selfish, criminal, goal oriented action, self-righteousness, land, property and real-estate, enemies, science, instruments, guns, knives. Strategy and logic. The battlefield. Its element is copper, its colour is red, and direction south. Blood, head, injuries, accidents, bleeding, headaches, high fevers, inflammation, surgery, burns.
A weak Mars makes one easily tired, jittery, easily angered and reactive. One may be prone to temper tantrums, as one is in the habit of misdirecting their strength, logic, and dominance-- at times overusing it, and at other times, underutilizing it. Accidents and injuries are more likely.
Mercury ☿: Youthfulness, immaturity, playfulness. The negotiator. Diplomacy, friendship, humor, speech, conversation. Spoken and written communication. Studying, thinking. Investigation, experimentation, adaptability, curiosity, organization, attention to detail. The rational mind, the 'lower' mind, cognitive intelligence. Human intelligence. The analytical powers of the mind. Makes one witty, skillful, clever, easygoing, and well-informed about mundane, practical, and social matters. Talkative, tactful, may be manipulative but not actively harmful. A good trader, editor, publisher, mathematician, debater, trickster. Trade, commerce, sales, education, school, telephones, television, computers, short distance travel, childhood, aunts and uncles (especially maternal uncles), neighbors, twins, nervous system. It represents memory, throat, lungs, arms and hands. Its element is bronze, the colour is green, and direction north.
If afflicted, indicates speech problems and a poor ability to discriminate. It may result in nervous tension or nervous system issues, twitchiness, memory problems. Managing one's time, daily tasks, tending to mundane, practical matters, and decisions that require attention to detail become difficult.
Jupiter ♃: The Great Teacher. Visionary pursuits. Inspiration, creativity, genius. Joy-giving wisdom. Goodness. Goodwill. The Sage, the priest, the philosopher, the spiritual guide. The husband, the provider, advisor, or guide who encourages greater self-expansion. One you can always have faith in. Wealth of wisdom. Greater understanding. Sudden realizations. Expansion, abundance, affluence, wealth, big money. Faith in life. Generosity, charity, good luck. Fortune, grace. Unexpected turn of fortunes. Divine advice. Divine guidance. Children, marriage, dharma. Following one's true nature. Morality, righteousness. Sense of purpose, meaning in life. Self-indulgence, excess. The greater truth, the bigger picture. Religion, philosophy, spirituality, law, the great benefic, higher education. Long-distance travel. Whimsical, inspired pursuits. Fruits. Optimism. Adventure, openness. The archetypal rags-to-riches story. The stroke of insight, joy, creativity, or wisdom that makes life worth living. Liver, hips, fat.
With a weak Jupiter, one is not as receptive to divine guidance. As such, one's capacity for joy, inspiration, creativity, sense of purpose and faith in life is limited, inconsistent, or built on shaky grounds. As a result, there is a limit to one's ability to live an inspired life, to express originality and goodwill (patience and charity). An afflicted Jupiter signifies an uninspired mind, an inability to be visionary---to receive, recognize, appreciate, and respond to divine inspiration, wisdom, or life-changing insight. One may not see the value of those things that would make them happiest, instead believing or providing bad, or self-limiting, advice.
Venus ♀: Grace, beauty, charm. Refinements, luxuries. Things of material or social value. Sensual fulfilment. Material comforts. The base level of comfort one experiences through life. Vacations, holidays, nurses, rest, relaxation. While Jupiter advises one to surrender to higher principles, Venus gives advice which works for us in the here and now--to all that one can experience with the senses, and evaluate socially. Art, music, theatre, flowers, jewelry, symmetry, earthly harmony. Enjoyment, taste, delicacies and dessert. Sexuality and romantic relationships. Aesthetic. Pleasantness. Good taste, elegance. The feminine spirit in earthly form, the wife, pleasure of the senses. Affection. Sugar (the refined, material version of Jupiter's fruits). Reproductive system, bladder, kidneys, and pancreas. Clear quartz.
An afflicted Venus may cause various forms of un-ease in the body. Healing of the body may take longer. Addictions, nutrient deficiencies, aches and pains may be more common. One may feel unsupported, unappreciated (or appreciated for the wrong things), or misunderstood by the people in their life.
Saturn ♄: Blocks, restrictions. 'No.' Minimalism. Endurance. Longevity. Discipline, order, structure, dependability, stability, separation, solitude, reclusion. The intelligence of knowing what not to engage with, indulge or invest in. Capacity to recognize which 'doors' are closed to one in life, and not waste time or effort on unproductive things. Indifference or detachment, appropriately applied. Dropping things. Letting go (internally). Recognition, acceptance, and even appreciation of limitations, delays, or deprivations. Detachment. Decay, death. Sewage (going to the bathroom). Psychological complexes, egocentric hang-ups, fears, neediness/emotional dependence--things that need to be processed and let go of. Psychological complexes that cause an inability to detach from what is unnecessary or unfavorable to one's greater growth. Knowing when to stop.
Navy blue and black. Seriousness, coldness. Insurmountable. Father time. Things turn dark when they are dead, when the colour of life has gone out. The sky is blue or black because the distance of the particles in space looks insurmountable, being so far away in space and time. Objects in the distance look greyed out--the dulling effects of Saturn.
If something is hazy or unclear, it is out of reach. Saturn oppresses, or shuts things down. Slows aging.
Learning to do without. Old age. The humble. Stoicism. Finality, permanence, the 'bottom line'. Bare bones. No-nonsense. Slow, highly focused, controlled, careful, cautious. High pressure over a long time--turning black coal to diamond, shining and strong, impenetrable and impervious, indifferent and unmoved. Only getting involved because it makes sense practically or objectively. Being sensible. Strong in principal, unbending, renouncing frivolity. Saturn is associated with both the aristocracy and the servant class (the laborers, the old, the downtrodden, the poor, the disabled, those who are overlooked or 'unwanted'), while the Sun is the king, the bourgeoisie, the middle class, the 'normal' people of society. Saturn speaks of steadfastness and tradition, and the Sun is of progress and ambition.
A problematic Saturn causes a great many evils, mostly rooted in psychological issues, dependence, or bad karma. The native does not readily recognize when and what to say no to. And does not know when to persist, and when (and what) to give up. A healthy Saturn is free of the bias of sentiments (Moon), desire for power or victory (Mars), and ego or self-identity (Sun).
North Node ☊: Suddenness. Electric shocks, instability, fluctuation. Upset. Unforgettable experiences (both good and bad). Innovation, genius, technology, thinking outside the box. The outcast. What we want, crave, obsess over. Fame, extremes, foreigners and foreign lands, fulfilment of worldly desires, status, prestige, power, worldly success, outer success with inner turmoil, obsessive, addictions, psychic, disturbances, collective trends, disturbances.
South Node ☋: Karmic ending, completion. Being free. Liberation. Subconscious mastery. The 'black hole' effect--the point at which things leave the manifest world, to rejoin the unmanifest. Liberation from bondage. Intuitive wisdom. Negation, loss, spiritual insight. The most spiritualizing influence.
Uranus ♅: Unapologetic authenticity. Self-expression, being true to oneself no matter what. Acting out of a deep instinct, without reference to social norms or practical concerns. Genius. Creativity. Becoming more who you are.
Neptune ♆: Transcending the manifest plane. Unconditional love. Preservation of the good. Sustaining the essence. Seeing the essence and disregarding all else. Glamour. Dissolving the sense of separation. The underlying One to all things. Surrender.
Pluto: Becoming free of ego attachments. Letting go of the sense of self, destruction of what was identified with as essential to the self/one's experience in life, to allow for something greater and truer to emerge. Breaking the ego. Transcending to a higher level by undergoing destruction.