Multicolor Spell Candles | Color Correspondences
Beeswax candles are preferred for ritual practice. They burn cleaner, leave little to no residue, and have a mild, natural aroma. As they are closer to the natural world they are thought by witches to hold the material manifestation of the whole spectrum of light, and the blessings of the sun.
Our vibrant beeswax candles come in many colors. Color tones vary slightly from batch to batch. Our sets include different shades of each color, though the numbers of variations change with each batch.
Every color is associated with specific spectrum of light, qualities, state of mind, energy, chakra, deity, way of being, planet, season, etc.
White |
Purification, Enlightenment, Connection to your Higher Self, Lunar Magic, Loving and Protective Forces, Dryghtyn: the One or The All |
Yellow |
Creativity, Confidence, Productivity, Self Esteem, Imagination, Concentration, Creative Intellect, Inspiration, Friendship, Third Chakra |
Golden Yellow |
Prosperity, Solar Magic, Creativity, Renewal Spells, Outgoing and Active Energy Spells, Wealth, Abundance, Fortune, Sunday |
Orange |
Mental Alertness, Sealing Spells, Growth, Jupiter, Increasing Opportunities, Joy, Superconscious Mind, Legal Matters |
Light Brown |
Earth Magic, Healing, Balance, Finding Lost Things, Nature, Building Trust, Manifestation, Realm of Animals |
Dark Brown |
Endurance, Grounding, Stability, Material Security, Strengthening & Solidifying, Permanence |
Black |
Banishing, Absorbing Energies, Removals, Use of Obstacles & Limits, Endings, Protection, Persistence, Rest, Honoring Cycles of Time, Kali |
Purple |
Intuition, Psychic Powers, Element of Ether, Communication with Spirits, Third Eye Chakra, Spiritual Growth, Artemis, Amaterasu |
Violet |
Higher Perspective, Wisdom, Luck & Good Timing, Harmony, Divine Connection, Higher Consciousness, Higher Self, Tranquility, Royalty, Dionysus |
Lavender |
Love, Affection, Care, Friendship, Comfort, Receptivity, Heart Chakra, Neptune, Manifestation through Visualization |
Teal Blue |
Patience, Protection & Peace at Home, Good Health, Dreams, Forgiveness, Emotional Healing, Element of Water, Dispel Anger, Water Magic |
Dark Blue |
Free, True & Open Communication, Truth, Wisdom & Self-Knowledge, Calm, Clarity, Understanding, Throat Chakra, Archangel Michael (vibrant blue) |
Light Blue |
Awareness & Balance on the Astral Plane, Neptune, Dreamwork, Inner Peace, Introspection, Serenity, Meditation, Healing from Karmic Patterns, Krishna |
Lilac |
Self-care, Inviting Goddesses, Deities, Increase Psychic Vision, Intuition, Dreams, Soothing, Connection to Self |
Pink |
Romance, Partnerships, Relationship Healing, Honor, Fidelity, Marriage, Contracts, Reconciliation, Affection, Venus, Beauty, Ostara, Imbolc |
Red |
Courage, Confidence, Desire, Energy, Vitality, Element of Fire, Initiating Actions, Speed, Enterprising Force, Victory, Archangel Uriel, Goddess Morrighan |
Dark Red |
Willpower, Physical Energy, Self-Empowerment, Passion, Desire, Sexual Potency, Determination, Personal Power, Freyja |
Dark Green |
Prosperity, Regeneration, Financial Abundance, Increasing Trust, Fertility, Physical Healing, Earth Element |
Green |
Earthly Luck, Abundance, Commercial Success, Social Activity, Mercury, Faery Communion, Springtime Rites, Beginnings, Osiris, Brigid |
Mint Green |
Cleverness, Intellect, Use with Gold for Financial Gains, Mental Activity, Dexterity, Skill |